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How to use the password generator when creating an email account in cPanel

This demo assumes you've already logged in to cPanel, and are starting on the home screen.

  1. Click the Email Accounts icon.
  2. Click the CREATE button on the right.
  3. Enter the new email address you want to create.
  4. Then instead of entering a password, click the GENERATE button.
  5. A random password will be generated.
  6. You can set some advanced options on what type of characters to allow by clicking on the arrow down button next to "Generate".
  7. Once the generated password is created click the CREATE button below to complete your email account creation.

That's it! The password fields have been filled in with your new randomly generated password, and you can now proceed with the creation of the account.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to use the password generator in cPanel.



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