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How to setup an email account using IMAP in Apple (Mac) Mail

This tutorial assumes you have already set up an e-mail account in your control panel.

  1. Go to File.
  2. Click Add Account.
  3. Type your name as you want it to appear.
  4. Enter your full e-mail address.
  5. Type the password associated with this account.
  6. Click Continue.
  7. Select IMAP for the Account Type.
  8. Type a description.
  9. Enter the Incoming Mail Server as provided by your host.
    Note that this can be anything from mail.example.com to just the domain name as shown here.
  10. Type your username.
  11. Click Continue.

In order to send mail from this address, we need to set up the Outgoing Mail Server.

  1. Enter a description in this box.
  2. Type the Outgoing Mail Server here.
  3. If required by your host, check Use Authentication.
  4. Click Continue.
  5. Review the information and click Create.

Here is the mailbox we just set up. All the messages on the server show up here.



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