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How do I modify a contact for my domain name?

Modifying Domain Name Contacts Using Contact Manager:

Updating contact information for your domain names is a breeze with Directnic's Contact Manager. Follow these steps to modify a contact for your domain:

Getting to your Contact Information:

  1. Log in to your Directnic Dashboard.
  2. Select "Settings" from the navigation bar.
  3. Click on "Contact Manager."

For Editing an Existing Contact:

  1. Click on the contact name you want to edit.
  2. Modify the necessary information and click the "Save" button.

For Deleting an Existing Contact:

  1. Choose the trash icon under "Options."
  2. Confirm the deletion by clicking the "Confirm" button when prompted.
    Note: In order to remove a contact, that contact profile cannot be assigned to any domains.

For Adding a New Contact:

  1. In the "Add Contact" field, fill out the required details.
  2. Enter the necessary information and click the "Save" button.

Validating the Contact Information:

  1. Check your email for a message with the subject line: "Validate changes to domain contact information."
  2. Enter the validation code from the email into the Contact Update Validation window and click "Validate."

Assigning the Contact Profile:

  1. Log in to your Directnic Dashboard.
  2. Select "My Services" from the navigation bar.
  3. Click on "Domains" in the dropdown menu.
  4. Choose the domain name you want to update.
  5. Under the "Registrant" header, click "Edit Domain Contacts."
  6. Select the desired Contact Profile to assign to the appropriate contacts.
  7. Click the "Submit" button.

If you require any assistance or have questions, don't hesitate to reach out to Directnic Customer Support. Our friendly and knowledgeable agents are available via LiveChat, email, or phone.

For additional guidance or information, you can explore our Help Center.


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