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How do I report abuse?

To submit issues regarding the abuse of our services including, but not limited to; illegal activity, the exploitation of children, spam, phishing, and malware please email abuse@directnic.com.


Complaints involving domains hosted on Directnic’s servers are subject to the Directnic terms of service and we may take any action up to and including termination of the account and its services.

Directnic may not be able to verify abuse reports if we are only acting as a registrar and a third-party is hosting the infringing services. This particularly affects copyright or content complaints, email abuse, spam, fraud, and malware/hacking activity.  In that instance, you should contact the hosting provider as they will be able to investigate and take action quickly.

If you suspect any of our customers are using their website to engage in any illegal activities, please help us by contacting your local law enforcement agency as a first step, and request them to investigate this situation.

When submitting an abuse complaint, make sure to supply evidence and relevant details to verify the abuse incident and help us take appropriate action. 

Additionally, you can contact 504-355-0082 to report abuse.

Any abuse report will receive a response within 24 hours.

Abuse reports are queued into a ticketing system. To track the status of an inquiry, please send an email to abuse@directnic.com and include the date of the initial inquiry, the domain name(s) in question and the email address the initial inquiry was submitted from.


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