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How do I transfer a hosted service between Directnic accounts?

To transfer your hosting services to another Directnic account, you can use the "change ownership" feature. This is a simple process that can be completed with just a few steps. Please keep in mind, once you transfer ownership of a service to another account, it cannot be undone. Here's how to do it:

  1. Log in to your Directnic Dashboard
  2. Go to "My Services" in the navigation bar
  3. Select "Hosting" or "Email" in the drop-down menu
  4. Click on the name of the service you want to transfer (not the checkbox)
  5. Under Hosting Details, select "Change Ownership"
  6. Enter the Directnic username of the account you want to transfer the service to
  7. The person receiving the service will receive an email with a transfer code
  8. For security, they must give you the transfer code, which you will enter in the provided box
  9. Once the transfer code is confirmed, the ownership of the service will be transferred.

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