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How to password protect a directory in cPanel

This tutorial assumes you've already logged in to cPanel, and are starting on the home screen.

  1. Click the Directory Privacy icon.
  2. Select the directory you want to password protect and click the Edit button on the right.
  3. Check the Password Protect box, then give a name for the directory, and click Save.

The directory is now protected, and requires a password to enter it via a browser.

We must therefore create at least one user, and assign them a password so they can access the directory.

Assign a username and password in the Create User section.

The protected directory now has one user who has access to it. Repeat this process for each additional user you want to grant access for.

This is the end of the tutorial. You now know how to password protect directories, and assign users to them.

You can see the new user we just added in the Authorized Users section.



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