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What to do when your WordPress site is slow to load?

The biggest challenge of creating a website based on existing tools such as WordPress is to make them load smoothly in any possible internet browser. Google even rewards faster loading sites by improving their page rankings (*). If the website you have built using WordPress is slow to load you can do a few things to help increase its performance:

  1. Disable all plugins and re-enable them one at a time until you find the plugin that significantly slows down your website. Some plugins are not compatible when used alongside each other and you may have to contact their developers for assistance (or try to find alternative plugins).
  2. Your selected theme may cause your site to slow down as well. This could be caused by the same compatibility issue that was discussed earlier. Some WordPress themes also require specific plugins to be active and won't perform well without them.
  3. You can install a caching plugin that will help reduce load times for your WordPress site. Examples are:
  4. You can use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to help speed up your website's performance around the world. More about this technology, plus available providers can be found here:
  5. Hire/recruit a specialist to optimize your website for you.  

Directnic, as your hosting provider, will make sure that our hosting platform meets all the technical requirements for running WordPress sites and we will work 24x7 to keep your server up and running. Since we are not a web design company, there is a limitation in the support we can give you during the site design process. But as WordPress is such a popular platform to create dynamic web content with you can rest assured that there is no shortage of readily available WordPress experts awaiting your questions in their online community:


Thank you for choosing Directnic as your hosting provider! 

(*) https://webmasters.googleblog.com/2010/04/using-site-speed-in-web-search-ranking.html (Using site speed in web search ranking)

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