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What is an A record?

An A record (short for Address record) is a type of DNS record (which stands for Domain Name System Record) that directs a domain name to a specific IP address, which is usually the address of your website's server. This helps visitors find your website when they type your domain name into their browser

For example, the A record for "example.com" might point to the IP address "" When you type "example.com" into your browser, your browser goes to where the Name Servers are pointing to looks to see if there is a record for example.com. If it finds an A record there, it will go to the server with the IP address If there are no DNS records that direct it to a host server, it will direct your browser to another DNS server that might have the information, but usually it will cause the browser to display an error page.

Where do I add the A Record?

  1. Directnic DNS Manager: If your domain's Name Servers are set to Directnic defaults (like ns0.directnic.com), manage your A record through the Directnic DNS Manager.
  2. Directnic Hosting Console: If you have a Directnic hosting plan and your domain uses Directnic Hosting defaults (like ns1.dnchosting.com), the record has already been added for your convenience. You can find it in the Zone Editor under the "Domains" header.
  3. Third-Party Host: If your domain is pointed to a third-party host, manage the A record through that provider's DNS manager.



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